July 8, 2024

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has affirmed the stability of his coalition government, despite recent shifts in political allegiance by former FijiFirst party members.

April 20, 2024

SODELPA, a party in the three-party Fiji Coalition Government, has officially named Aseri Radrodro as their new leader, succeeding Deputy Prime Minister Viliame Gavoka, who retains all ministerial roles, including

April 18, 2024

The SODELPA Management Board will meet in May to discuss the response from Deputy PM Viliame Gavoka addressing the party's directive to facilitate the transfer of the Education Ministry portfolio

January 26, 2024

As SODELPA’s management board sits today to discuss among other things the fate of sacked Education Minister and party deputy leader Aseri Radrodro, former party member and MP Niko Nawaikula

January 22, 2024

SODELPA's General Secretary Viliame Takayawa maintains that the party's Management Board standby and still supports the Coalition as is.

January 19, 2024

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has sacked Aseri Radrodro from cabinet, citing "insubordination and disobedience", a decision that the ousted minister's party, SODELPA, is questioning as well, including the authenticity

November 3, 2023

Fiji's Acting Supervisor of Elections and Acting Registrar of Political Parties Ana Mataiciwa pointed out that the Fijian Elections Office (FEO) can only take action when formal complaints are submitted,

October 26, 2023

The Fijian Elections Office (FEO) has dismissed a complaint against Ro Teimumu Kepa, finding she did not breach the Political Parties Act.

October 18, 2023

SODELPA, one of the parties in the Fiji Coalition Government has said that neither the party nor their cabinet ministers have any issues with their changed portfolios.

October 17, 2023

Fiji's Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) has written to Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, requesting that their ministers, Aseri Radrodro and Ifereimi Vasu, retain their portfolios until its management board has
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