October 28, 2022

October 28, 2022

Solomon Islands' hopes of qualifying for the 2023 Pacific Games which they will be hosting was cut short by New Caledonia in a one-sided affair today, with scores ending 38-98

October 28, 2022

The Fijian Elections Office will be holding another snap voter registration drive in 23 locations across the country this weekend, starting tomorrow. Eleven will be opened in the central division,

October 28, 2022

Children who turn six in 2024 will be accepted into year one regardless of their birth date, Fiji's Minister for Education Premila Kumar announced today, adding that the policy change

October 28, 2022

Fiji Police are investigating the discovery of a body of a male in a creek in Sigatoka this week. CLICK ON HEADLINE FOR MORE

October 28, 2022

Four women will be produced at the Ba Magistrates Court today charged jointly charged with 27 counts of allegedly obtaining financial advantage. Three of the accused persons aged 37, 50,

October 28, 2022

Fiji will not be implementing daylight savings this year, for the second consecutive year having opted for the same in the last financial year. CLICK ON HEADLINE FOR MORE
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