Niko Nawaikula

May 28, 2024

The Fiji Corrections Service (FCS) has firmly denied allegations that inmates Manasa Rokotuiveikau and Irami Ceinaturaga were assaulted at Naboro Maximum Prison, calling the claims "unfounded."

January 26, 2024

As SODELPA’s management board sits today to discuss among other things the fate of sacked Education Minister and party deputy leader Aseri Radrodro, former party member and MP Niko Nawaikula

May 20, 2022

Fijian lawyer and former SODELPA parliamentarian Niko Nawaikula will serve 24 of his 36-month sentence in jail, with the remainder of the term suspended for five years. CLICK ON HEADLINE

May 3, 2022

SODELPA MP Niko Nawaikula has been convicted after a high court in Suva said the prosecution, being FICAC, proved beyond reasonable doubt that he gave false information about his permanent

November 3, 2021

Counsel for the Attorney General's Chambers today applied to strike out a lawsuit by Niko Nawaikula who is challenging the legality of the iTaukei Land Trust (Budget Amendment) Act 2021,
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