Great Council of Chiefs

April 19, 2024

Fijian Holdings Limited, in collaboration with the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, has completed a feasibility study for establishing a dedicated investment bank targeting resource owners and MSMEs in Fiji.

February 29, 2024

Fiji's traditional leaders, led by the newly appointed Great Council of Chiefs Chair, Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, are contemplating a governance shift, acknowledging the need for inclusivity beyond being solely the

February 28, 2024

Former military officer and Tailevu chief Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, who alleged that Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka incited the 2000 mutiny at the QEB Barracks—a charge that the latter was

February 28, 2024

The Great Council of Chiefs is not only for the indigenous people but is for all who call Fiji their home, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said while opening the meeting

February 27, 2024

Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs is set to meet for the first time tomorrow with over 40 nominations, but only three women, constituting less than 7 per cent of the

February 19, 2024

The Great Council of Chiefs is likely to convene its first meeting of 2024 at the Lagoon Resort in Pacific Harbour later this month.

February 16, 2024

Fiji's cabinet, this week, endorsed the iTaukei Affairs (Great Council of Chiefs) Regulations 2024, outlining the Bose Levu Vakaturaga's functions, its composition, and encouraging women's representation.

January 24, 2024

The rebuilding of the Great Council of Chiefs complex in Nasese has begun, some months after the reconvening of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga.

August 4, 2023

The Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) in Fiji will reconvene at a later date to assess recommendations made by a taskforce set up by the government to review among other

July 24, 2023

The University of Fiji suggests the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) redefines its 21st-century role, prioritising service as leadership's main purpose, amid the Fiji Coalition Government's efforts to re-establish the
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