One to three tropical cyclones to affect Fiji in new cyclone season

One to three tropical cyclones is forecasted to affect Fiji during the 2021/2022 cyclone season that runs from November 2021 to April 2022, according to the 2021/22 Tropical Cyclone Outlook released by the Fiji Weather Office.

Out of the one to three tropical cyclones, one to two are expected to develop into a severe tropical cyclone (category 3 to 5), which is consistent with the 2020/21 season.

Based on past TC tracks that affected Fiji in seasons similar to what is being experienced in the country at present, most trekked through the western division. It will most likely follow the same track, however, the weather office also noted that tropical cyclones that follow the same track have also affected other parts of Fiji, therefore, all parts of Fiji are advised to be equally prepared for the forthcoming cyclone season.

The release of the tropical season outlook coincides with the launch of the National Disaster Media Awareness Week in Suva today.

In total, four to six named tropical cyclones (TCs) are expected between November 2021 to April 2022 in Fiji’s Area of Operations in the region, which spans from Solomon Islands to the Cook Islands.

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