Curfew moved to 10pm tomorrow as 70% fully vax target is reached

Beginning tomorrow, Fiji’s curfew hours have been moved to start an hour later, from 10pm, after the country achieved 70 per cent full vaccination coverage.

Fiji’s Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama announced the change of time via his social media Facebook account: “Well done, Fiji! With 70% of adults now fully vaccinated, the curfew hours will be 10pm-4am from tomorrow, 29 September. Remember, from 4 October, houses of worship and almost all workplaces can open at 70% capacity to double-dosed adults. So, if you have one jab, don’t skip your second!”

The announcement comes as Fiji reaches another fully vaccinated target, its fourth since the outbreak that started in April. The extended non-curfew hours prompts reminders from health authorities on the need for the general populace to uphold all safe COVID-19 protocols at all times out of care for those who are below the eligible vaccination age and the vulnerable population including those who may have been fully vaccinated, but have weak immune system.

“The key to avoiding future restrictions and lockdowns is for the public to remain cautious about how they engage in the greater freedom they will enjoy. Whilst the easing of restrictions is needed to facilitate social and economic livelihood, the public must ensure that together with vaccination, we continue to observe our COVID safe measures and avoid contained spaces and crowds,” PS Health Dr James Fong said in one of his recent statements.

“The potential for transmission in any community will be slower, and the ability to contain the outbreak better, when we achieve a high vaccination rate and also maintain strict adherence to COVID safe measures. When we do this, we not only protect ourselves but also protect all those around us, especially the vulnerable, those not eligible for vaccination, and those who are not yet vaccinated.”

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