New 2022 enrollments to follow school zoning policy

January 23, 2022

Students starting kindergarten, years one and nine in the 2022 academic year will have to attend schools closest to their respective homes unless otherwise approved by Fiji’s Ministry of Education.

The directive comes as the ministry moves to implement the School Zoning policy in the forthcoming school year as part of efforts to reduce overcrowding in schools, ensuring students are kept safe.

“This policy will also enable the Ministry to make the best use of the existing networks of schools and educational resources, remove social stratifications in the
student enrolment process, help to improve the overall performance of schools, and ensure an equal distribution of students,” Permanent Secretary for Education Angela Jokhan said in a statement.

“The Ministry hopes that the implementation of this policy will also play a part in helping parents as their children will be enrolled in schools that are not too far from home. The policy will also go a long way in helping to allow the Ministry to administer a fair and proper transport assistance to students as well.”

Exceptions Johkan says can be made for students, preferences for certain subject combinations, one or both parents being a teacher at the specific school, or for any other exception, as per the policy.

Parents and guardians are requested to support the ministry in getting students back in the classrooms in a safe manner.

“The past year has not been an easy one for any of us, especially our students and while we are working hard to make the transition back to face to face learning for our students as easy and safe, we ask that our parents and guardians support us as best as they can during this process.”

Photo: One of the more than 50 schools that were used as evacuation centres during the height of category one Tropical Cyclone Cody. MOE/File

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