We are going in to win: Biman-Rabuka on 2022 General Elections

April 8, 2022

Fiji’s National Federation Party and People’s Alliance leaders Professor Biman Prasad and Sitiveni Rabuka are bullish about their chances in the 2022 General Elections, underscored by their signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in Suva today that sets out the framework under which the two parties will form government post-election.

The two leaders said under the NFP-PA government, the views of the people would be heard, including those who disagree or dislike them.

“We want to look to the future with a combined vision, shared with the people and which we will execute with co-operation, consultation and dialogue,” Prasad said. “We will not just co-operate and consult with each other. We will do the same with everyone. Because we will listen to and respect the views of everyone.”

Rabuka echoed the same sentiments saying that they will govern through discussion, debate and compromise when necessary.

“The views of the people will always be paramount. They are ultimately in charge; what they say must be respected,” he said.

“We will ensure that democracy – government of the people, by the people, for the people – works as it should. A PA-NFP government will be guided by the principle that all human beings are born free and equal. It will stand against racism, discrimination and prejudice. We will seek to create an enduring culture of inclusivity, respect and concern for those in need.

“There will be frequent consultation right across the community. We want to hear all viewpoints. Let me repeat today that the people of Fiji need each other. We have been separated by our differences for too long. Now is the time for a united, all-embracing approach to making Fiji everything we wish it to be.”

Biman said the party’s shared vision of Fiji is one “where parents should not worry how they will put food on the table for their children,… where equality, dignity and justice prevail at all times… people will be able to visit a public medical health facility and be provided decent care and the right drugs, improved education, which is the catalyst for future economic growth, every citizen enjoys their basic human rights and freedoms, including political participation, without being afraid of arrest, personal attack or reprisal from government and State agencies, and our people have the economic means to have productive lives, to afford good food and other essentials, to have good health, to aspire to owning a home, to enjoy time with their loved ones and friends, and, for those who seek it, to find deeper meaning in their religious worship.”

The two leaders said they are looking ahead to carrying through the partnership, with the backing of their supporters, in the lead up to the elections starting with the campaign period which starts 26 April.

We are going in to win, the two leaders said of their 2022 GE aspirations.

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