Two killed in road accidents

Two men lost their lives and another is in hospital after two separate road accidents over the weekend, taking the country’s road death toll to 14.

On Saturday, a farmer in his 20s died in a two-vehicle accident in Wainikoro Road, Vanua Levu and on Sunday in Suva, a man in his 30s died after his vehicle veered off the road and hit a lamp post.

Of the accident in Vanua Levu, Police said the victim was one of three passengers in a vehicle driven by a man, also in his 20s when it was involved in an accident with another vehicle driven by a man in his late 50s. Occupants of both vehicles were taken to the Labasa Hospital where the victim was pronounced dead. A man in his 30s remains admitted at the Labasa Hospital.

In Suva, the accident happened along Edinburgh Drive. The victim who resided in Vatuwaqa was travelling towards Walu Bay when he allegedly lost control of his vehicle. He was taken to the CWM Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Police investigations continue.

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