Teaching is more than a job: Master Naiqiso

Going beyond the requirements of the job is something that Master Semisi Naiqiso of Votua in Bua counts as normal.

The 33-year-old teacher commits his days to reaching out to his Year 6 students wherever they are to help them with their school work sheets.

Preparing his gear for his weekly Monday trip to the island of Tavea in Bua, Naiqiso said that he identified the need to personally visit his students early into the lockdown of movement due to COVID-19.

“We are in a remote place and its especially hard for our students to fully grasp the learning material,” Naiqiso said. “I felt that I had to visit them and help them because this is important since they’re going to be moved up a level anyway in 2022.”

On other days, Master Naiqiso says he visits Banikea, Kavula and nearby settlements as well as students at Votua village.

“In teachers’ college we were told that teaching is a honorable profession because it helps and shapes the lives of children. This is what I held onto all these years. Teaching is not just a job, it’s a calling and I am privileged to be here making a difference in the lives of my students.”

Married with over 10 years of teaching experience, Master Naiqiso also acknowledged the hard work his fellow colleagues are doing around Fiji.

“Let’s continue to positively impact our students where we are to better people of Fiji today and into the future.”

Photo: Lusi Banuve

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