Simione Valenitabua

July 4, 2024

Suva Lawyer Simione Valenitabua has waded in on the debate on whether Acting DPP John Rabuku should step down following the ruling by the Supreme Court that he was ineligible

May 30, 2024

Fiji Rugby Union administrator Simi Valenitabua has been advised by the FRU Interim Chairman that today is to be his last day and he is to handover to the new

June 2, 2023

Simione Valenitabua, the interim administrator of the Fiji Rugby Union who was taken to court for the alleged breaching of the tenancy agreement has settled the matter outside of court.

May 25, 2023

Simione Valenitabua has reached an agreement to repay outstanding rent owed in a civil suit brought against him for an alleged breach of a tenancy agreement. Valenitabua appeared before a
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