Reserve Bank of Fiji

June 27, 2024

Fiji's Central Bank Board has approved further relaxation of exchange controls, starting 1 August 2024.

June 27, 2024

The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) has decided to maintain its Overnight Policy Rate at 0.25 per cent.

April 15, 2024

The Reserve Bank of Fiji has warned against using and investing in cryptocurrencies stating that they are not considered legal tender and cannot be used for payments within the country.

March 1, 2024

Fiji’s domestic economy recorded mixed results in January.

January 26, 2024

The Reserve Bank of Fiji has agreed that licensed insurers in Fiji will only be required to reflect International Financial Reporting Standard 17 (IFRS 17) Insurance Contracts in their prudential

August 29, 2023

The Reserve Bank of Fiji has revoked the license of Unimoni Pte Limited, preventing it from functioning as a restricted foreign exchange dealer.

November 11, 2021

Fiji's Central Bank is advising members of the public against placing deposits or participating in deposit schemes offered by unlicensed individuals or entities. The Reserve Bank of Fiji says these
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