
November 30, 2020

Fiji’s President Major-General (Ret’d) Jioji Konrote reminded members of parliament that deliberations in the August House should prioritise the welfare and health of every Fijian as the country looks to

February 22, 2020

Fiji Airways Coach Gareth Baber believes the Fiji 7s team should improve their level of competence in the Los Angeles 7s on Saturday 29th February. Baber added their biggest challenge

February 17, 2020

Central Honiara MP John Moffat Fugui and Northeast Guadalcanal MP Jamie Vokia on Friday lost their seats in two dramatic Solomon Islands High Court election petition rulings. #PacificNews

February 17, 2020

Boost for post-Cotonou negotiations between the European Union (EU)and ACP countries as the two chief negotiators agreed Friday on way forward. #PacificNews

February 17, 2020

UN Secretary-General António Guterres began Pakistan visit highlighting the country's commitment to climate action and calling on the world to step up theirs. #PacificNews

February 17, 2020

The future challenge of the Fiji National University is to remain focused, maintain traditional vocational education, to drive change and value employers’ importance towards career pathways.

February 12, 2020

Affordable and reliable electricity is a life changer for everyone in the country, a critical pillar of development: Jone Usamate

February 11, 2020

Citizens of Vanuatu who want to contest in the 2020 general election have until 4.30pm today to lodge their applications. Names of successful candidates will be declared by the Electoral

February 11, 2020

The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Senior Officials Meeting was officially opened Monday with the reaffirmation by the MSG Members on having the strengthened collaboration and renewed commitment as the foundation

February 11, 2020

Five Samoa patients and three caregivers returning from India after successful medical treatment are under-going 14 days of self-quarantine in Nadi Fiji for precautionary measures as mandated by Samoa’s Coronavirus
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