Suva-Nausori lockdown to revert to containment zoning: Health Ministry

May 3, 2021

The full Suva-Nausori lockdown zone will be lifted as scheduled and revert to the initial containment area zonings – of the Suva Containment area and the Nausori Containment area – from today.

This means the checkpoint at the Nakasi bridge to demarcate the Suva and Nausori zones will be put back up and essential movement resumes within the respective containment area up until the usual curfew hours from 11pm to 4am daily.

“The borders of the areas are unchanged. The lifting of that lockdown measure will mean that, within these containment areas, movement — for essential purposes only — may resume,” Dr Fong said. “Our system of cross-border deliveries of food and essential items into the containment areas will also resume. And supermarkets, banks, pharmacies and other essential businesses — as identified by the Ministry — may operate from tomorrow.


– Curfew hours will be from 11pm until 4 am.
– Stay home as much as possible and avoid unessential travel.
– Do not mix with anyone who doesn’t share your home with you.
– No sports of any kind should be played.
– Places of worship will remain closed.
– Except for small funeral ceremonies, no non-work gatherings of any size should take place. In fact, you should not come within two metres of anyone if you can help it.
– Anywhere you go outside of your home, you should have on a mask or face covering
– Wash your hands well and often. Use sanitiser when you see it.
– Businesses that are not on the list of essential services should not open.
-You should not share takis, bilos or cigarettes. Any person-to-person interaction — even a maskless conversation — can put you at risk.
– And please download careFIJI, and keep your Bluetooth switched on when you are in public spaces. This does not chew battery or data.

Source: Ministry of Health
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