SOE updates political parties on 2022 General Elections prep

September 30, 2021

Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem updated political parties on preparations ahead of the 2022 elections in a virtual meeting, its first with registered parties ahead of the 2022 General Election.

In attendance were representatives from National Federation Party, FijiFirst, SODELPA, Unity Fiji, and The People’s Alliance who were also provided e-copies of the provisional voter list for inspection and verification.

“Going forward this is a consultative approach that the FEO has taken with political parties so that at the next election all stakeholders are on the same page in terms of the Voter List having worked on it together,” Saneem explained.

“The Provisional List for polling stations has been given for free and now the parties must peruse the List and report any inaccuracies to the FEO.”

Parties will check and verify information such as the Polling Venue Name, Polling Venue Code, Polling Station code, Area Name, Division, Surname, First Name and Gender and report to the FEO on any issues they may find.

“The Voter List is one of the most important elements of an election as it contains the final list of voters who will be able to cast a ballot and as such it is imperative that during the preparation phase, the List is consistently verified to ensure its accuracy and correctness and where possible published so that it can be scrutinized before the List is finalized for the next general election,” Saneem said.

Political parties have been given until 30 November 2021 to inspect the list and provide feedback.

Photo Source: FEO

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