Freedom Alliance deregisters, out of Fiji 2022 election race

Fiji’s registered political parties tally stands at eight, as of today, following Freedom Alliance’s deregistration as a political party.

In a statement, Registrar of Political Parties Mohammed Saneem confirmed receiving the voluntary deregistration of the party by the majority of its shareholders.

“Noting that majority of the office holders of the party have signed and submitted a written request for voluntary registration in accordance to section 19(7) of the Act, Freedom Alliance is hereby de-registered,” Mr Saneem said.

Office holders of the party were also reminded of section 20 of the same Act which prohibits them from engaging in nor presenting themselves as a rep of the party following deregistration.

Registered since 2014 and led by Mr Jagath Karuratne as president, the party was formerly known as the Fiji United Freedom Party (FUFP). The party contested the 2014 election but did not earn any parliamentary seat, having amassed 0.2% of total votes.

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