Fiji’s Speaker Dismisses Point of Order

July 12, 2023

Fiji’s Speaker Ratu Naiqama Lalabavu ruled ‘out of order’ a point of order raised by the Opposition and FijiFirst MP Semi Koroilavesau that parliamentary decorum disallows raising of a point of order during maiden speeches or when a member contributes to the budget debate.

Koroilavesau argued that this allows a member to have their say and stay within the prescribed presentation time.

Referring to Standing Order 60, which guides relevance in speeches, Ratu Naiqama said members are expected to show respect by not interrupting or interjecting during maiden speeches, the second reading of the appropriation bill, and all debates. However, members are allowed to engage in parliamentary banter as long as they do not compete or drown out the speaking member.

Rt Naiqama reiterated accepted protocols and traditions in the house, including maintaining courtesy and decorum during the opening of parliament and the delivery of the national budget address.

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