Fiji is developing a policy for early childhood education that aims to focus on the total development of a child before they begin primary school studies.
In formulating the policy, the ministry held a diagnostic and planning workshop followed by divisional consultations held in Labasa and Nadi, that was attended by stakeholders and supported by UNICEF, to help identify key policy priorities and strategies for ECE that are to be addressed in the policy.
Permanent Secretary Education Dr. Anjeela Jokhan says the review is being carried out to ensure that children receive the best education.
UNICEF Pacific Chief of Education Anna Semby said: “The foundation for learning established in early childhood set the stage for all future learning.
“UNICEF is proud to be working with the Fijian Ministry of Education as well as our partners in this process to develop the National Policy and plan that will guide how systems, services, and programs will better provide for our children in Fiji as well as give them the best possible start in life.”
This particular policy, the MOE says will support the implementation of quality ECE across Fiji in a sustainable manner.