FEO lodges complaint against woman for election official impersonation

March 23, 2021

The Fijian Election Office has referred to FICAC a woman who posed as an election official during a public consultation on three electoral bills at a village in Wainibuka, Tailevu last week.

Identified as Biu Solia in one of the dailies, the FEO said she had made various allegations relating to polling, results and counting at the Wailotua polling station where she claimed to have worked as an election official during the 2018 General Elections.

Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem denies these claims saying there was no record of the same person having been employed by the FEO in 2018, and as such, she was in breach of Section 142 (c) of the Electoral Act, 2014.

“It appears to be a case of impersonation of an election official simply to discredit the work of the thousands of people who worked in the election and especially the work done by the Presiding Officers on the ground,” Saneem said.

“The FEO will not take such behaviour lightly and we hope the person is caught and brought before the law.”

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