COVID-19 in Fiji: NZ funds local nurses’ recruitment to boost response

New Zealand is funding the recruitment of close to 200 graduate nurses for three months to assist Fiji’s Ministry of Health in its COVID-19 response including manning isolation facilities in the wake of increasing coronavirus infections in the country.

Making the announcement today, New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said the recruitment of 190 nurses not only supports Fiji’s response in the short term but also contributes to the long-term resilience of the health sector.

Mahuta also announced the provision of 100,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines due to arrive in Fiji today.

“Our thoughts remain with Fiji during this incredibly challenging period. New Zealand has funded 100,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine directly from the Spanish government in order to meet Fiji’s immediate vaccine requirements.

“AstraZeneca is Fiji’s vaccine of choice and these doses will further support the excellent work Fiji is doing in vaccinating its population.”

Earlier this year New Zealand committed to providing up to 500,000 doses of vaccine to support Fiji’s rollout. Fiji’s vaccination programme is progressing well with 25% now fully vaccinated, and the first doses provided to 82% of the population.

“Our commitment stands and New Zealand will continue to work with Fiji to confirm its remaining vaccine requirements,” said Mahuta.

These are but some of the assistance that the New Zealand Government has provided the Fijian Government and civil society during the outbreak.

“In the last two weeks, New Zealand has supported the provision and retrofitting of ambulances and medical equipment, provided funding support to civil society partners and begun delivering 700,000 testing swabs and privacy screens for medical facilities.”

These initiatives build on previous packages of support New Zealand has provided Fiji to enable its COVID-19 response, including $40 million of financial assistance, PPE, testing equipment and other relief supplies. New Zealand has also deployed two rotations of medical personnel to the joint Australia New Zealand Medical Assistance Team providing surge clinical, logistical and public health support for the Fiji health system.

“We remain in close contact with the Government of Fiji and civil society partners to support further requests,” Mahuta said.

Photo: NZ High Commission

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