Traditional solutions are the way to go – Tui Macuata

November 15, 2021

The answers to continuing global crisis of climate change can be found in nature and traditional methods of living and survival.

Turaga na Tui Macuata Ratu Wiliame Katonivere made the comments in his video presentation at COP26 recently.

“As the traditional leader of the province of Macuata, home of the northern section of the Great Sea Reef, I am committed to working together with my people using traditional knowledge and nature based solutions to strengthen our resilience and adaptation,” Ratu Wiliame said.

“Our solutions are found in nature and in the wisdom of our forefathers.”

A conservation champion, Ratu Wiliame says that leaders must do all they can to work together to find a solution.

“It’s time to take bold action, to work together to combat climate change.”

Ratu Wiliame Katonivere at the SPREP booth in Bonn, Germany during COP23 in 2017.

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