COVID-19 Fiji: Infringement fines amount to more than $117K

September 13, 2021

Fiji’s Police issued more than 1000 public health infringement notices for breach of COVID-safe protocols over the past 15 days equating to over $40,000 in fines, and about 34% of the total amount collated since the infringement notice regulations came into effect two months ago.

Between 28 August and 12 September, failure to wear a mask accounted for the most number of notices issued at 568, followed by breach of social gathering measures at 177 and breach of curfew at 137, collectively equating to 82% of total fines collected during the period.

This is consistent with trends over the 2-month time frame dating back to 12 July during which close to 3,000 infringement notices were issued – with failure to wear mask numbering close to 1,500 notices, curfew breach nearly 600 and social gathering close to 500. These, collectively equate to close to 80% of total fines amassed since 12 July.

Total fines that would have been collected since the regulation came into force amount to more than $117,000.

Infringements or breaches of COVID-protocols are not confined to the two main islands. There have been reports of breaches from maritime islands as well in particular measures relating to social gathering and wearing of masks.

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