January 24, 2024

January 24, 2024

The rebuilding of the Great Council of Chiefs complex in Nasese has begun, some months after the reconvening of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga.

January 24, 2024

A heavy rain warning is in force for Fiji as an active trough of low pressure approaches, bringing the risk of flash flooding.

January 24, 2024

The Water Authority of Fiji has re-engaged Post Fiji Limited as a payment channel, enhancing accessibility for customers nationwide.

January 24, 2024

Fiji is actively developing a National Development Plan (NDP), building on economic summit outcomes and policy initiatives including the manifestos of the country's Coalition Government parties.

January 24, 2024

Fourteen children have had successful heart surgeries in November 2023 at the San Sanjeevani Children’s Hospital.
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