April 9, 2020

April 9, 2020

Fiji’s two main roads on Viti Levu are opened to traffic, others remain closed while some others partially opened because of damage sustained when category 4 Tropical Cyclone Harold tracked

April 9, 2020

DAMAGE to some islands in Lau is quite extensive with reports of homes and plantations completely destroyed as the National Disaster Management Office continues damage assessment of the group. Until

April 9, 2020

BOIL all drinking water, Fijian medical authorities say as they sound alerts on the risks of water-borne diseases following the impact of Tropical Cyclone Harold. The category 4 system caused

April 9, 2020

Fiji’s National Disaster Management Office(NDMO) is still to establish communication with their officer in Kadavu reportedly hit hard as Category 4 Tropical Cyclone Harold passed over the island this afternoon.
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